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4th Grade

Welcome to 4th Grade

Homework & Retake Policies

  • Students will have frequent homework in their ELA class but could have the opportunity to finish during class time. Please ask your child about homework daily.
  • Students will not have weekly homework in other classes. However, students will be required to complete any unfinished classwork at home. Students will also need to complete and study any study guides that are sent home and have them signed by an adult.  Also, we encourage all families to read to or with your child 20 minutes each day.
  • All students will be provided opportunities to retake or correct summative tests to further their understanding and improve their grade.

Chromebook Expectations

  • Students should bring their backpack, Chromebook, charger, and headphones to school every day.
  • Students need to have working headphones in their backpack at all times.
  • Chromebooks should be fully charged at home each night.
  • If there are multiple occurrences of a student's Chromebook not being charged when they arrive at school, the Chromebook may be kept at school overnight to charge.