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Welcome LCIMS Parents Banner


All students must report to the cafeteria if you arrive before 7:45. Students will be taken to the gym at approximately 7:45. Students may not remain outside the building once they have arrived on campus. Car riders are to enter the building at the covered long walk located at the side of the school by the cafeteria. No student may be dropped off before 7:15 A.M. No student should be dropped off in the front of the building between 7:00-8:00 A.M. or picked up between 3:00-3:45 P.M.



Please remember that instructional time begins at 8:15, therefore any student who arrives after this time will miss academic instruction. If you arrive at school after 8:15, it is very important that you go by the office and sign in. This will prevent you from appearing on the daily absentee report. Students are counted absent only for the periods missed during the course of the school day. Continued tardiness to school can result in a referral to the truancy board and/or the school core team.